Monday, January 21, 2013

Announcements from Olivia Robertson

 Received November 6, 2012
From FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson
Ethics within the Fellowship

"In ISIS we rely not on rules and regulations,
But on the Divine Power of Her Winnowing Wings of Protection.
In Her we trust.

There is an duty of integrity and responsibility upon every individual member to uphold and adhere to the principles and ideals of the Fellowship, as set out in this Manifesto, including prevention of abuse and exploitation of humans, animals, and our environment.

No secrecy or binding vow is sanctioned in the Fellowship.

Any member has the right, at any time, to seek assistance from outside authorities.

Oracle of Isis
"I am She Who Was and Is and Is To Be. No mortal man hath lifted my veil."
Isis lifts her veil to those with loving hearts,
Who seek the truth.
The balance between Love and truth, divine feminine and sacred masculine, Isis and Osiris, brings forth harmony.
Received November 29, 2012
Rt. Hon. Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis
and Rev. Cressida Pryor, Her Successor 

All operations within the Fellowship of Isis are based on the principles of the Manifesto, which promote truth, beauty, healing, compassion, kindness and reverence for all life. All members act in accordance with the ideals of the Goddess Isis as the Compassionate, Loving Mother of All Beings. No act of submission, domination, exploitation, physical trial or ordeal, including physical or mental wounding or 'sacred sex working' and prostitution will be tolerated within the practice of the FOI. Activities which are not in alignment with the principles of the FOI Manifesto are grounds to revoke FOI Priestess/Priesthood and/or FOI Membership.

In Memory of Deena Butta 
by Olivia Robertson 

The Rt. Rev. Deena Butta passed peacefully into Spirit World on Sunday, 27th  January, 2013. She has been one of my greatest friends since 1993, when we attended the Centennial Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Since then she produced the FOI Liturgy with consummate grace and skill, thus preserving the very meaning of our Manifesto with its emphasis on the Eternal Verities of Love, Beauty and Truth. Her husband and priest Ray, helped her in all these undertakings. I do hope that the Rev. Demetria Nanos will continue Deenas work for her Fellowship of Isis Lyceum and Iseum as she has so ably helped Deena in the past.

All our members who knew Deena respected her honesty, kindness and integrity. I feel sure that she is truly happy now with her son Maris who is now with her in Spirit Sphere, Realm of Truth and Goodness.

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